Why do I need Commercial Crime Insurance?
As a business owner and employer, you put faith and trust into your employees. Unfortunately, sometimes you can't. Businesses and customers have had items stolen from employees are an alarming rate. You can protect your company with a commercial crime package. The commercial crime policy protects your business from dishonest employees in association to computer of funds transfer fraud, theft of money and securities, theft of clients property, and forgery and alteration.

Employee Dishonesty
Dishonest acts by your employees that can cause damage to your business personal property and theft of money and securities.
Computer & Funds Transfer Fraud
Protect your business from computer generated funds transfer fraud, phishing scams, or ransomware.
Forgery or Alteration
Protects from losses resulting from forger or alteration of a check or another financial instrument.
Money & Securities
Protects against theft of funds at your business or away from your business.
Theft of Clients Property
Protects against employees stealing your clients property or money and securities.
Whether you choose to buy Crime insurance stand alone or in a package, Micheletti Alternative has a variety of options to protect your company.
For more information on this coverage, please contact our office at 209-576-2808 or complete the form below: