Executive Package

An Executive Package, also known as a Management Package, is a combination of coverages that protect you from a variety of risks that arise when running and managing a business. This custom package of coverages is aimed at protecting directors, officers, board members, managers, and administrators, as well as the company, from lawsuits alleging mismanagement.

These packages normally include the various policies below; Directors & Officers, Employment Practice Liability, Fiduciary Liability, Professional Liability, Crime Coverage, and Cyber Liability.

These coverages are not provided in your normal property or general liability insurance policies.

See below for more information:

Directors & Officers Liability

Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance is a type of liability covering the business directors and officers for claims made against them while managing the business or serving on the board of directors. This policy protects the directors and officers if they are accused of management errors in conducting business by providing legal defense costs and potential losses suffered through a lawsuit.

Employment Practice Liability

Employment Practice Liability (EPLI) Insurance provides the business with financial protection against a lawsuit by employees, former employees, and employment candidates for liability arising out of wrongful acts in the employment process. These lawsuits can include discrimination, sexual harassment, wrongful termination, or any other employment-related issues.

Fiduciary Liability

Fiduciary Liability Insurance is built to protect the business and employer assets against claims arising from mismanaging the company's retirement plans. Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), a business has a fiduciary responsibility to act in the interest of the plan participants and may be held personally liable for any mismanagement of the employee benefits plan. This coverage provides protection for your company and employees involved in these fiduciary roles.

Crime Insurance

Commercial Crime Insurance protects your business against financial loss caused by employees or third-party fraud. This coverage is designed to protect your business property, merchandise, cash and securities, embezzlement, or forgery. This coverage also protects your business from non-employee committing crimes against your business.

Cyber Crime & Liability

Cyber Liability Insurance protects your business from risks that come from the use of technology. Our business and personal lives revolve around technology. Cyber liability helps protect your business from cyber attacks such as hacking, viruses, denial of service attacks, and data breaches of personnel files, credit card information, or health records. This coverage protects from financial losses for both first and third-party losses and expenses.

Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions)

Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance protects your business against lawsuits arising from your clients dissatisfaction with your professional service or advice. Businesses can be held financially liable for any financial damages their work may cause. This coverage helps protect your business from legal fees and judgements that may result from these claims.

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Micheletti Alternative Insurance Solutions
300 Banner Ct. Suite 1
Modesto, CA 95356

Phone: (209) 576-2808
Fax: (209) 530-3888
Email: info@michelettiins.com